YES BHEK!!! The greatest game sorry, game's i should say of all time! There the greatest, so, while i'm here i should review it.
Hmm, StarWars Battlefront, for anybody who doesn't know it's a 3rd and 1st person shooter, as the name gives it away it's based during the times of Either the Clone Wars or the Galatic Civil War. It has a great atomsphere when playing the game, the detail's and lighting for each area is brilliant. So 7/10 for graphics straight away, but it ruins itself by making the game Remove it's own Story Play, unlike most game's it adds in a section for each faction, such as Empire, Rebels, Clones and Seperatist's. It also comes with the great INSTANT ACTION Button which many should know to be the SANDBOX Button, well, to me it is, here you can choose, Any map, score set, time, space battle, land battle, faction and how many men you have! To me, and Bhek... it is one of the Great's out there, sadly i think it ruins itself with the BLUR!!! So MUCH BLUR!!!...
Graphics 7 - STUPID BLUR!!!
Sound 8 - ah hem.. dun dun dadada dun dun dadada dan dan dadada...
Gameplay 6 - nothing changes except for objectives...
Overall 7 - Absolute Awesome.